Frequently Asked Questions

  • Prior to inviting you to the retreat center we need to get to know you a bit. It’s vital we have accurate information about any current medical issues, medications, mental health history, addictions, or severe trauma your may be trying to reconcile. This information is held in strict confidence and shared with only essential staff. You’ll be provided with a thorough questionnaire which will remain private.

    We also would like to know your true intentions and expectations for your endeavor into this journey.

    Once your application is reviewed, which usually takes 48 hours from time of submission, we set up a phone or Zoom with you so we can clarifying questions and get to know you and your story a little deeper.

    This is also your opportunity to ask questions about us, our experience, protocols, process of pre, during, and post-journey experience, safety, integration method, and more. The goal is to see if it’s a good for you and us.

  • Rather than going through the process of attaining travel visas and going through customs and immigration necessary for plant medicine retreats in Central or South America, Mexico, or Jamaica, traveling to Hawaii is a simple plane trip.

    What’s special about Hawaii is it feels and looks like you’re in another country of tranquil paradise, however, included is all the amenities of travel convenience and safety of being in the United States. No need for passports, waiting in a customs line at the airport, learning the basics of other languages, or currency exchanges, yet the Hawaiian culture and ‘Aina (land, sea, and air) here is a very foreign, magical experience compared the mainland US.

  • ~ Pre-arrival Zoom call for preparation protocol and coaching
    ~ Transportation from/to Hilo Airport
    ~ Six days at the retreat center
    ~ Specially prepared organic meals 3x’s per day
    ~ Movement classes such as Yoga and guided breathwork
    ~ Daily deep discussions focused on your transformation and integration
    ~ Specialized visualization workshops
    ~ Cacao Ceremony
    ~ Guided evening solo psilocybin journey
    ~ 1:1 Post-journey deep integration sessions focused on acceptance and transformation, even after you return home
    ~ Island excursion such as a guided volcano hike, tour of the rainforest, lava fields, black sand beaches, oceanside volcanic hot ponds, or sweat lodge.

  • The rate for everything included above is $2,700

    We do not charge specifically for accommodations which is one of the reasons the rate is thousands less than other psilocybin retreat centers, even in third world countries. You are staying as our guest and paying for the experience, mentoring, meals and activities.

    You are free to stay at a nearby Airbnb if you wish, however, the rate will not change, but your cumulative experience will.

    ** There are add-ons available once you arrive such as massage /body work sessions, Kambo, Sananga, sound bath/sound healing, energy work, and extra excursions.

  • There is a general itinerary for which day we do particular activities since some require preparation. However, your psychedelic journey will be anything but structured, so we do not structure our days, or rather, we do not share what we have planned on a moment to moment basis. No alarm clocks, no tight schedules to adhere to. We want you to let go and be in acceptance of the moment. Arrive with no preconceived notions or expectations and allow yourself to be in flow, trusting you are exactly where your soul needs to be, and doing precisely what your spirit needs to be doing.

  • There are several factors ranging from body weight, previous experience with psilocybin, lunar cycles, and also one’s own intuitive sense. Ultimately, it will be decided by the lead facilitator. However, doses typically range from 3.5 - 5 grams.

  • Psychedelic integration is the process of incorporating and making sense of experiences that individuals have had during psychedelic journeys or non-ordinary states of consciousness. These experiences can induce profound and intense mental and perceptual alterations.

    The importance of psychedelic integration lies in the potential for these experiences to be challenging, transformative, and sometimes difficult to understand or integrate into one's everyday life.

    To understand more, check out the Journey page.

  • During your journey, your experience is carefully guided by the facilitators away from others who may be at the facility.

    We allow no more than two guests on the premises at any given time. All integration sessions are done individually. While the majority of our retreats have just one guest at the retreat center, there are times we host two and stagger each session. Meals and other activities are done as a small group, never exceeding the two guests and of course the guides, coaches or facilitators.

  • We serve healthy, freshly made organic plant based meals. Many of the ingredients are lovingly grown on our farm and gardens, while other ingredients come from neighboring farms. We try to use as much locally grown products as possible. Mornings range from smoothies, freshly picked fruit from our organic farm and gardens, or granola. Lunches include wraps and green salads. Dinners are our favorite! We have a range of delicious dishes varying from Indian, Mediterranean, Thai, and fusion.

    We do have a comprehensive intake form in which we ask about preferences, allergies, and intolerances and make the appropriate accommodations.

  • Unlike plant medicine retreats in Central or South America, Hawaii is blessed with a lack of aggressive or poisonous insects. You may encounter a mosquito here and there, but your overall experience will be extremely pleasant without the need to worry about bugs disrupting your journey or overall experience.

  • Since this is a transformational healing retreat, we ask that you leave all your work at home to apply focused intention into your journey and ultimate transformative healing experience. Computers are a subconscious emotional achor or trigger for many people.

    A digital detox is naturally built-in to your experience since cell phone tower signals here are weak at best. When we immerse ourselves in nature, free of relentless electronic signals of the everyday environment, the body, mind and spirit takes immediate notice, starts grounding, resetting, and healing. This is where we want our guests to be throughout our their entire experience.

  • We have a special cell signal receiver and signal booster that you will be able to tap into when needed. We also have Starlink satellite internet service which can be utilized as well.

  • We are in an area of the island which is not served with any utilities, and we are here at this location for that very reason. We are completely self reliant for electricity and running water. We receive our energy from the sun via solar panel array with the latest battery tech for energy storage, with a backup power generator. We receive our life-giving water from the sky. The pure rain water we catch and consume is triple filtered and amazingly cleansing an vitalizing.

  • We’re at 1,000’ in a tropical environment. We wear shorts and t-shirts everyday. There are times when it can get a little chilly at night depending which month it is. In that case, sweats and a hoody keep us warm at night.

    We’re located in the Puna Rainforest on the Big Island of Hawai’i. Precipitation varies a lot. There are days when there’s not a cloud in the sky, and then there are days when the rain is blessing us helping our food grow, the flowers brilliant, and the greens lush and vibrant.

    A typical weather day in the rainforest is sunshine in the very early morning, then a shower to keep the forest quenched, then sunny throughout the day with an occasional sprinkle. A shower or three during the late evening is common.

    We send a “What to bring/What to leave home” list which is comprehensive so you are prepared for what mother nature gifts us with.

  • The short answer is yes, however, shorter retreat experiences will have to be discussed before booking.

  • If you found us and came this far, you’re likely already familiar that there is an exponentially growing body of scientific research on the therapeutic potential of psilocybin mushrooms, particularly in the treatment of mental health conditions. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms, and it has been studied for its effects on cognition, perception, and emotions.

    Research into therapeutic use of psilocybin has reached mainstream science and acceptance in recent years, with studies focusing on conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, and existential distress in patients facing life-threatening illnesses. For more info and links to primary source scientific findings, check out the Journey page.




