
Your Journey Begins Here

Here is the entire psilocybin retreat process

Brief Rundown


  • Health and drug/alcohol history and mental health status review

  • Reasons for seeking a psychedelic experience


  • Zoom call after application review

  • Conversation, Q&A and clarifying questions/answers

  • Reserve and schedule dates


  • Receive preparation document

  • Schedule pre-journey mentoring call

Journey Itinerary

  • Day 1: Arrive at Hilo, Hawaii Airport, transportation to Sol Temple, Facility tour, settle in, rest, and dinner

  • Day 2: Acclimation, rest, connect with the land, mentor chat, breathwork and visualization exercises, psilocybin dose

  • Day 3: Intentional adventure excursion 

  • Day 4: Gentle activities, cacao ceremony, macro dose journey

  • Day 5: One-on-one integration

  • Day 6: Departure


  • Personal integration at home starts

  • Ongoing integration support via calls and emails

Detailed Outline

First steps

We require an application which asks important questions ranging from past to present health diagnosis, prescription and recreational drug use, current or past addictions, past or present mental health diagnosis, and reasons for wanting to partake in a psychedelic mushroom transformative experience.

Once we review your application and determine eligibility, you will be contacted to schedule a Zoom video call for a casual interview, possibly asking clarifying questions regarding your application and generally getting to know you a bit and your intentions, desires, and expectations about your experience. This is also the best time for you to ask further questions and an opportunity to get to know us a little.

If your application and interview are favorable and we mutually wish to move forward, we will choose available dates, provide a pre-journey preparation protocol, and schedule a mentoring call to assist you in your preparation.

Your Journey

You’ll fly into Hilo Airport on the Big Island of Hawai’i where you will be greeted with a traditional lei and transported to the retreat center.

When you arrive, if it’s still light out we’ll give you a tour of the land and facility and get you settled in to your accommodations. Dinner will follow.

Your second day is acclimating to your new environment. We want you to get rest and sleep as much as needed. It’s a day for tuning in to the energy of the aina (land, air, nature), decompress from your travels and settle in. You will then have the opportunity to chat with the lead mentor and facilitator to discuss how your preparations went and also get into some of your intentions of your visit and what you wish to receive from your experience. There may be some guided exercises to ease you into the full experience such as light breathwork and visualization practices. These are helpful during your psilocybin journey and integration process. This is also a day for you to become comfortable with us, release your armor, and feel safe to express yourself. In the early afternoon you will consume a light does of psilocybin; just enough to bring you to an enjoyable non-ordinary state of consciousness to get a feel of your experience to come. This also gives us an opportunity to observe how you receive the sacrament of psilocybin and allow us to determine an optimal macro dose for your evening journey on day four.

The third day you is excursion day, but with intention. Whether it’s a hike on a volcano crater floor, a tour though the rainforest and lava fields, or a soak in the mermaid ponds near the black sand beaches, the idea is to further connect with the energy of the aina, yourself and appreciate the grounding, healing energy she offers. This isn’t a day for exhilarating high adventure, but for you to further become connected to this beautiful place on the earth with gratitude, fully letting go of your default world.

Day four we engage in gentle movement, breathwork, perhaps a peaceful easy hike through the rainforest reserve, journaling and sharing your intentions with your guide. A light and easily digested breakfast is served that day. This is a day of contemplation and really being in harmony with yourself and the environment. Just as the sun starts to set you’ll participate in a cacao ceremony, followed by your intentional acceptance of the macro dose of psilocybin, the sacred sacrament. Your guides and facilitators will quietly be with you throughout your journey, only gently intervening when any form of support is necessary, such as help getting to the bathroom, getting you some water, or holding space for you should an emotionally challenging period of your journey arise. We let our experience and compassion intuitively guide you if/when we see you may need support, otherwise we allow the healing magic of the psilocybin do it’s work with you.

Day five begins the one-on-one integration of your experience. We have a compassionate and supportive, integration process which assists you to use your innate intelligence to make sense of things which may have come up. This process goes on throughout the day at your pace. Personal integration continues once you’ve returned home. More on the importance of integration below.

Departure day. It’s time for you so say a hui hou to this beautiful healing place and work on the transmutation process of integrating your experience into your former default world into a beautiful transformation of your fullest potential and renewed best self. Ongoing integration calls and emails will have already been planned.

The importance of psychedelic integration

Psychedelic integration is the process of incorporating and making sense of experiences that you have had during psychedelic journeys or non-ordinary states of consciousness. Psilocybin mushrooms and other forms of psychedelics induce profound and often times in higher doses intense mental and perceptual alterations.

The importance of psychedelic integration lies in the potential for these experiences to be challenging, transformative, and sometimes difficult to understand or integrate into one's everyday life when the experience is over.

To maximize the benefits and experience of your psilocybin journey in therapeutic intentional settings for those seeking help with conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, among others, integration helps you process and understand the insights gained during these experiences, maximizing the therapeutic and relief-giving healing benefits.

  • Making Sense of Profound Experiences: Psychedelic experiences can be extremely profound and many times mystical and spiritual. Integrating these experiences involves reflecting on and making sense of the insights, emotions, and realizations that may have emerged, helping you incorporate these lessons into your daily life.

  • Navigating Challenging Experiences: Not all psychedelic experiences are easy to navigate. Some individuals may face challenging or distressing moments during a journey. Integration provides a supportive framework to process and make sense of these difficult experiences, reducing the risk of potential psychological harm.

  • Promoting Lasting Change: Psychedelic experiences can lead to shifts in perspective, changes in behavior, and a greater sense of connectedness. Integration is crucial for ensuring that these changes are positive, enduring, and aligned with your values and life goals.

  • Enhancing Self-Understanding and Self Awareness: Psychedelics have the potential to bring up subconscious material and unresolved issues. Integrating these aspects of the self can lead to a deeper understanding of your motivations, fears, and desires, contributing to personal growth and greater self-awareness.

  • Having a Supportive Outlet: Integration often involves sharing experiences with another person such as an integration mentor or even a group of others who have undergone similar journeys. Having supportive, compassionate support will help you feel understood, heard, and reduce feelings of isolation from friends and family that simply cannot relate to your experience.

  • Reducing Potential of Harm: Without proper integration, you may struggle to understand or cope with the aftereffects of your psychedelic experience. This lack of integration could potentially lead to psychological distress or exacerbate existing mental health issues. Proper integration support can help avoid or reduce this potential risk.

Psychedelic integration can be accomplished in various forms, including therapy sessions, mentors, support groups, journaling, and other reflective practices. It is a personalized and ongoing process that varies from individual to individual, and invaluable to get the most out of your experience. Our mission is for your personal transformational healing and lasting change. We have a unique and proven approach to integration which is  based in foundational principles which help us understand, from a structural and functional perspective, how and why life and experiences show up the way they do, which profoundly assists in the integration of your experience into your everyday life for enduring effects.




